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Tag Archives: IT security

IT Security Is a Top Challenge for Firms around the World

A recent survey conducted by Protiviti and the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), found that cyber security, privacy issues, infrastructure management and emerging technologies rank as the top IT challenges facing organizations today.

The annual survey—A Global Look at IT Audit Best Practices—gathered responses from over 1,000 IT audit professionals and focused on emerging technology, IT implementation, audits, risk assessments and hiring practices. Respondents were asked to name their greatest technology or business challenges.

The following were the top 10 responses:

  1. IT security, privacy and cyber security
  2. Infrastructure management
  3. Emerging technology and infrastructure changes
  4. Resource, staffing and skills challenges
  5. Regulatory compliance
  6. Budgets and controlling costs
  7. Cloud computing and virtualization
  8. Bridging IT and the business
  9. Project management and change management
  10. Third-party and vendor managementIn order to protect themselves and stay current on emerging risks, experts recommend that organizations continually review the IT risk landscape and adjust IT audit plans accordingly.

The survey also found that, while 90 per cent of large organizations conducted an IT audit risk assessment, only a little more than half of them did so on an annual basis.

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4 Things Companies Should Document to Improve IT Security and Disaster Response

IT Security word cloud conceptAn IT manager has the difficult task of overseeing people, processes and technology. And, if there isn’t a departmental emphasis on documenting pertinent information, overseeing a successful IT security program can be a difficult, sometimes impossible, task.

The following are a few items IT professionals should keep a record of in order to maintain efficient IT workflows:

  1. Incident response plans. An incident response plan not only helps companies prepare for potentially crippling IT disasters, but it can also give clients, partners and customers reassurance that an organization is committed to IT security.
  2. Key stakeholders. In the event of an emergency, it can sometimes be difficult to identify who is responsible for what. This can make responding to incidents difficult and confusing. To help ensure a quick response to incidents, identify who would be the decision-makers following a variety of scenarios.
  3. Common risks. Documenting IT information and processes not only ensures business continuity in the event of an incident, but it can help IT professionals prevent threats altogether. Experts recommend that IT departments rank their top five greatest threats and detail possible actions that the department can take if and when a threat emerges.
  4. Third-party providers. More and more IT departments are working with third-party providers, especially as data continues to move to the cloud. In the event of an incident, it is important that a company is equipped with a list of contacts if there is an issue with an off-site system.

As an added bonus to documenting key IT information and processes, other departments will be able to see how data security is handled at a high level. This not only reinforces the importance of IT infrastructure, but it can help promote company-wide buy-in as it relates to ongoing training and future security initiatives.

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