With Canada on the cusp of legalizing marijuana in 2017, there’s no better time to revisit or establish a substance abuse policy in your workplace. Substance abuse policies not only ensure that your employees are following the law, but they can also keep employees safe on the job, as certain substances—illegal or otherwise—can affect job performance, lead to absenteeism or create unwanted workplace tension.
When creating a company-wide substance abuse policy, you will want to consider including the following:
- A statement that details the purpose and objectives of the policy
- A definition of “substance” and “substance abuse”
- Details around who the policy applies to
- Information around employee confidentiality in the event of a substance abuse issue
- A detailed look into education and other resources available to employees if they need to seek help. It’s also a good idea to outline your commitment to a drug-free space and teach employees how to spot substance abuse in the workplace.
- Details around how to deal with impaired co-workers
- Details around your drug testing policies
- Details around disciplinary actions
It’s important to remember that employees who are addicted use substances without thinking of the consequences, such as problems with health, money, relationships and performance at work. However, creating a substance abuse policy can help workers identify those in need and provide much needed assistance to those battling the issue.
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